This photo shows Sania Mirza of India putting her feet up as she watches her doubles partner Rohan Bopanna playing Peter Luczac of Australia during the sixth session of the Hopman Cup in Perth, 01 January 2008. Indian tennis star Sania Mirza is considering her future after a furore in her homeland over a photograph that shows her resting her bare feet near the national flag, it was reported 11 January 2008. The Australian newspaper reported that the image, taken by an AFP photographer at the Hopman Cup in Perth last week as Mirza was resting in a courtside box, had outraged ultra-nationalists in her homeland. The newspaper said a complaint had been filed in the Hyderabad High Court demanding action under India's Prevention of Insult to the National Honour Act, which can carry a three-year jail term. AFP PHOTO / Tony ASHBY / FILES (Photo credit should read TONY ASHBY/AFP/Getty Images)
Big Leaf Hoyas
[image: Big leaf hoyas]
Big leaf hoyas
Hoya lauterbachii is one of the largest Hoyas in existence and is
phenomenal in its color, form and fragrance. Eac...