Tollywood skinny babe Ileana’s recent hit was “Jalsa” with Pawan Kalyan, after this movie she was received huge invitations but not accepted any one of them but the news hs arrived that recently she has signed a movie with YVS Chowdary. As we all know that Ileana was first introduced to the industry by his movie “Devadas” with actor Ram and the movie was obatined very great collections and also a very huge fame all over here. chowdary’s last movie “Okkamogadu” with Balakrishna was named as massive flap at the box-office and by this he was quite upset and he was in a search for a great success and that is the reason he has chosed present stars for his next project. In this move for the first time Ileana will be seen playing opposite with vishnu vardhan Babu who is having great fame presently.
In this Mohan Babu will be playing a role as DON and his acting performance will be quite interesting, director of the movie has exclaimed that shooting will be start from 1st of September and shooting will be completed till December. He is hiding to reveal any news about the roles of actors, but Vishnu is feeling quite thrilled to act with Ileana and Vishnu will be seen in a different getup. The movie is titled as “Saleem” with a tag-line of “Dummu Reputhadu”. The other news relating to the movie were not yet known to anybody.
Big Leaf Hoyas
[image: Big leaf hoyas]
Big leaf hoyas
Hoya lauterbachii is one of the largest Hoyas in existence and is
phenomenal in its color, form and fragrance. Eac...